line maze solving

Line Maze Solving Contest


This is an intermediate level contest that can be done by basic line-following robots (typical Pololu 3pi type robots). If your robot can follow a line, then you have the hardware necessary for this contest. From then on, it is just software. In the links below, you will find more on how to implement this. 

This contest is a good preparation for a MicroMouse contest that uses an actual walled labyrinth. In order to upgrade your robot to do a Micromouse contest, you need to add some wall following sensors (like IR range finders). The high-level maze solving algorithms should be basically the same.

In the RSSC contest, the maze will NOT include loops. THis allows basic left- or right-hand rule algorithms. If your robot is able to deal with loops, then you can win extra points. 



1) black electrical tape on light floor (preferably white upon availability)

2) start point is a T

3) end point is black area 
this black area should be detectable by same line following sensors

4) The competition consists of 2 parts
1st part is finding end point and 2nd part is returning to start point via shortest route.
Both parts are measured by time traversal.

5) in the official competition, NO loops will be included in the labyrinth.

If multiple robots can negotiate loops, an extra round will be organized for these robots. A crossover will be added to the maze to inroduce a loop.

6) we start the clock when the robot starts moving (that way we do not get confusing rules like 5 or 10 secs after pushing button) and end the clock when it stops at the end point (it needs to stop at end point to prove it has detected it)

7) robot needs to wait at end point until commanded to return to beginning (button press) - this to allow the judge to record the time and for the excited competitor to do the moonwalk.

8) maze builder needs to be a non-competitor (we need to recruit volunteers and point them to examples on the internet we like)
Below are a couple of links on maze building - any volunteers ?

about the maze:

- curved lines are possible

- no loop (unless competitor request it, which can gain him extra points) 

- startpoint is a T

- end point is a black patch

- black electrical tape on light background (this can be the floor, white tiles or white sheet of paper) upon availability



The winner will be the robot with the lowest combined traversal time (part 1 and part 2). 

If multiple robots can negotiate loops, an extra round will be organized for these robots.


some external links

Robothon line maze rules

building a line maze course

presentation on maze solving algorithm

line maze follower projects

If you join the CIRC Yahoo group, there is a good write-up in the Files section online following algorithms